My name is Figgy and I used to be an indoor/outdoor community cat before Loudoun Community Cats Coalition (LCCC) trapped me and sent me to TNR clinic in January and found out I had a caretaker.
I went back to live with them and was enjoying life as an indoor cat but last week I got back outside and ran into a bit of…trouble. I’d like to say “if you think I look bad you should see the other guy” but the reality is that we don’t know who the other guy is (dog, fox, coyote, trash panda, who knows?!?).
My caretakers surrendered me to LCCC so that I have the best chance at getting the lifesaving care I needed. I had a lot of puncture injuries, a broken foot, and my paws were not in great shape. Because my paws were out of commission my biscuit factory was closed and I’m not bringing home the bacon. LCCC has been kind enough to step in regarding my medical care.
Figgy had a gaping wound in his chest and most of his feet were in very bad shape. He did lose 5 toes across 3 paws in the process of healing.
Figgy now lives happily forever after in a loving home and enjoys his toys, food, and human baby brother. Learn more on Episode 6 of PetInfoCafe.