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Gentle Giants

Episode 14 features Large breed dogs that we love, as seen on PetInfoCafe TV on Fairfax Channel 10 throughout January 2024.

Dedicated to Scout, June 2012-August 2023

The American Kennel Club recognizes Great Pyranees as one of the working breeds

Recognizable to children everywhere due to the animated series Belle and Sebastian the Great Pyrenees is a beloved livestock guardian.

Known for their gentle nature, especially with their families, and it is not uncommon to see a Pyr working as a therapy dog

Large, white, fluffy dogs are defined not only by their great size and striking appearance, but also by their “smart, patient, calm” temperament, according to the AKC breed standard. Like many livestock guardians, the Great Pyrenees was bred to be an independent thinker, and is thus able to guard livestock without human supervision or direction.

The Official Appalachian Great Pyrenees Rescue 

Dulles South Veterinary Center | Thrive Pet Healthcare.

Wholistic Paws Veterinary Services 

PetInfoCafe Theme Music “Sky’s Eyes” by Matt Thomas, Dedicated to his dog, "Sky" Matt Thomas- Acoustic Guitar Virtuoso & Harp Guitarist Recorded by Kim Person- Cimirron/Rainbird Records 

C: 757-871-2562

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